Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday to me...

Yep, that's right. Today is my birthday. And that's a picture of me when I was little.

So far it's been a pretty good day. I got a full 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep (heaven), went on a walk with Jack, and made myself a breakfast of french toast, bacon and eggs. Since I like cooking, I didn't mind...and Ross gets to do the dishes...all day. :) He also gets to change all of Jack's diapers today...he's already had 2 poopy ones (hee, hee).

In honor of my birthday, I thought you could all give me a present. The best part is it won't cost you a dime. A little bit of your time is all I ask. What I want for my birthday is for all of you to share a memory that you have of me, preferably a good one, and preferably one that involves you since I like to remember those I love on my birthday.

Hope you all have a great 4th!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to my favorite #3 daughter.!!!!Remember during the summer when you were in middle school and would want to fix breakfast or lunch for me some of the time. I loved how you would take the time to garnish them so pretty and how healthy they were. Then we would sit down together and have not only a nice meal; but a great time sharing our feelings. It's always nice for a mother to get to know some of the things their children are thinking. I hope your chilren will be as loving and thoughtful to you as you have been to me.
Love you tons,

katie said...

Holy crap. I missed your birthday. Sorry. Hope it was fabulous. My first jealous memory of you was when I heard about the fabulous salmon dinner you made for Brian and Kristy. Then something about a cake that you dropped as you were taking it over to Wendi. I thought to myself, "i need to hook up with this girl." See, I haven't left you alone since. Aren't you glad?!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I hope you had a great day! I was thinking about you. You are a really great friend. Thanks for being there for me in my many needs! I shouldn't have told anyone how great your dinner was....then I could have had all your attention and not had to share!!!

Virtual Charlie