Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Knock Knock

We've been having issues with our front door recently, and last week we came home to find we were locked out of our house. No amount of finagling could get the door knob to open. After finding out that we're very security-conscious and had locked all our windows, we started exploring other options. My two favorite involved crawling through the attic vent and breaking a window. Luckily Ross found a screwdriver in the garage and somehow worked his magic to get the door open. This picture is the result.

However, once it was closed again, it was closed for good. Luckily Ross found time to fix it Monday night. But if you came by my house last week and I didn't answer, don't be offended. It's not that I don't like door just wouldn't open.


katie said...

Tamara...seriously, Mike asked me abbout your front door just two nights ago. He told me he was going to go and buy you guys a new front door knob. I'm totally cracking up. He was soooo serious. I told him to leave you guys alone.

Annie said...

Thank goodness for screwdrivers...and husbands!!!

Virtual Charlie