Wednesday, May 28, 2008

In Memory

I meant to post this on Memorial Day, but I'm a few days late. So, just pretend...

Today is a day for remembering those we've lost. It's been 2 years since I lost my nephew Dallin. He was just 2 years old. Losing this little boy taught me two things: 1. Tragedy can happen to anyone, and 2. I should enjoy my loved ones while they're still here. I have no idea how my sister and her husband dealt with his loss; they're some of the strongest people (and most amazing parents) I know.

Although I remember him everyday, I wanted to write down a few of my favorite Dallin Moments:

* This boy loved vegetables. He'd often cry until his mom would give him peas for breakfast. Weird kid.

* He also loved his Grandpa. I helped him wake "Bumpa" from his notorious naps a few times.

* When he first started walking he would run into my open arms and give me a great big hug. He made me feel like the most important person on earth.

* He had the cutest way of saying Ross' name, almost like a growl....RRRRRoss. Although I like to pretend I was his favorite, he truly loved his Uncle. Ross loved him, too. The first and only time I've seen Ross cry was at his funeral.

* I used to dance with him to the "Move It" song from the movie Madagascar. He'd squeal in delight as he moved his little limbs. I still cry when I hear that song.

Dallin, we still miss you. We'll always love you.


Anonymous said...

What a cute post! Those are wonderful memories of a very special little boy. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...


katie said...

So sweet. Darling little boy.

Cortney said...

That was great. It made me tear up. I am glad you and your family can remeber the good times you enjoyed with him!

Virtual Charlie